poster for event

Please join the community for the Giving Thanks .... Seeking Peace One Millburn event. It is being coordinated by Community Congregational Church, The Millburn/Short Hills Coalition of Religious Leaders (all local faiths) and Millburn High School students. 

Volunteers are needed to pack 1,000 food parcels to be distributed at Oasis, a food, period supply, and diaper distribution agency in Irvington. This will be followed by a Thanksgiving & Peace Vigil - a service of music and culturally inclusive prayers for peace, led by students from Millburn Schools, and an informal reception to socialize with your neighbors. 

3 -4:30 pm: Service Project (in Church Hall) 
4:45 - 5:30 pm: Peace Vigil 
5:30 pm: Reception 

Please mark your calendars, and share with your neighbors, family and friends. This is an opportunity for all in our community to unite for peace in the season of Thanksgiving. All are welcome