Before/After School Care
There are two organizations that provide before and after school programming in our district schools for students in grades K-8.
AlphaBEST: Provides programs at Deerfield, Hartshorn, South Mountain and Wyoming Schools.
SAM Program: The SAM After School Program, located at Glenwood, is available to all district families, elementary school through middle school. Transportation from Deerfield, Hartshorn, South Mountain, Wyoming, Washington and Millburn Middle Schools is provided.
SAM also offers Before School Care for Glenwood students.
In addition, SAM holds Field Trips on school Vacation Days, available to all township
students, on a drop-in or registered basis.
The school district makes facility space available for these organizations to offer before/after school care services for our district families. The district does not provide the programming; the links above and to the right will take you to the respective websites for the providers.